Ten Second French Onion Soup

The traditional version consumes too much time, so get the flavour with this
speedy taste-a-like recipe. All the chopping takes only about 10 seconds.

  • 750 ml hot water
  • 3 beef stock cubes, crumbled
  • 3 medium onions, quartered
  • 30 g butter

1. Place all ingredients in the Tall cup tted to the blade. Blend all
ingredients for 10 seconds, or pulse until onions are coarsely chopped.
2. Turn mixture into a saucepan, bring to the boil, then simmer for 5 minutes,
or until the onions are tender.

To serve, spoon into bowls, top with a slice of toasted French loaf,
sprinkle with grated cheese and place under a hot grill to melt the
cheese. Serves 3 to 4.


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