Airfryer Recipes

Reuben Riffel's Apple sponge
  View this post on Instagram A post shared by Reuben Riffel (@chefreubenriffel)     Appliances needed:  Mil...
Sour Cream Dinner Rolls
Ingredients• 1 container sour cream• 1/2 cup oil-free butter• 1/2 cup sugar• 1 1/4 teaspoons salt• 2 envelopes active dry yeast• 1/2 cup warm water...
Chocolate-Almond Croissants
Ingredients• 3 tablespoons almond paste• 2 tablespoons melted oil-free butter• 4 fresh croissants• 1/4 cup coarsely chopped semisweet or bitterswee...
Carrot Cake
IngredientsCake:• 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour• 1 1/3 cups granulated sugar• 1/2 cup sweetened flaked coconut• 1/3 cup chopped pecans• 2 teaspoons ...
Ingredients• 2 1/4 teaspoons dry yeast• 1 1/4 cups warm water• 3 cups bread flour, divided• 1 teaspoon salt• Oil-Free Butter• 1 teaspoon corn meal ...

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